Monday, February 18, 2008

Stop spams (Outlook Express):

If you are are using an IMAP4 server, you will not need to setup a filter/message rule on your email program,

as SpamKiller moves any spam tagged messages automatically into a folder called SpamKiller.

If you are are using a POP3 server and want your email program to automatically filter the SpamKiller-marked messages into a separate folder, so that you can more easily review them, continue as follows:

1. Click Tools--> Message Rules, and select Mail; this will bring up a list of all of the filters (or as Outlook Express calls them, rules) that are current set up.

2. Click New to create a new one.

3. Select to filter "Where the Subject line contains specific words" and an action "Move it to the specified folder" and "Stop processing more rules".

4. Now click the blue "contains specified words" in the box at the bottom; type [SPAM] into the field at the top of the window that appears, and click "Add" to add it to the list. Click OK, then click the blue "specified folder" and click New Folder to create a new folder called SpamKiller1.

5. Under section "4. Name of the rule: " , type SpamKiller1.

Your rule description should now be:

Apply this rule after the message arrives

Where the Subject line contains '[SPAM]'

Move it to the SpamKiller1 folder

And Stop processing more rules

NOTE 1: Check Mail Rules tab

Make sure your new rule for SpamKiller is first in the list, if you have a lot of other message rules you use and als make your SpamPal rule end with And Stop processing more rules

NOTE 2: Blocked Senders tab

If you have a lot of blocked senders then it is worth Removing them from the list, as SpamKiller will do a much better job of coping with Spam and removing the blocked senders will also speed up the processing of email.

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